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May 16, 2013

Loss of pride, loss of service Dear Editor, A wise man once said that the only difference between an environmentalist and a developer is that the environmentalist already has his house in the woods.

May 9, 2013

Park for preservation not human expansion Dear Editor, I just read your editorial “The Time to Build is Now” and knew I would see this sooner or later.

Support the chief, donate

He left Wickenburg late last month and has been making his way north ever since.

The time to build is now

People live like this because there is often no other option if they want the privilege of living in Jasper. There is no other retreat. Classified ads for house or apartment rentals rarely, if ever, grace the pages of the Fitzhugh .

Real public engagement

Last year, the hot button issue was the Glacier Discovery Walk. This year, it’s the proposed winter backcountry closures on the tip of everyone’s tongue.

April 18, 2013

‘Need for information works both ways’ Dear Editor, I would like to commend council and Christine Nadon, manager of communications, for developing a new policy to encourage residents to get engaged in the town’s decision making proc

A community of volunteers

Jasper is a can-do community. When something needs doing, someone will surely step up and do it.

Seasons bring change

At the Fitzhugh , we embrace change with excitement and open arms. And it’s a good thing, because we’ve been through a fair bit of it. Here in Jasper, the in-between season is one of the biggest challenges we all face.

April 11, 2013

Be a responsible dog owner Dear Editor, This is an open letter to my lovely neighbours and fellow Jasperites.

Work to live

Besides sleep, work is something we spend a significant amount of our time doing. Work is the engine that generates the resources that allow us to live and enjoy our lives.
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